Thursday, January 24, 2008

Destiny has a lifetime...

"We stand on the promise of destiny, I will not fail, it claims, it is meant to be; You walk as was preordained, and there I see you; searching still, as though you know not your path. I say this, and yet... I am there also, wondering where it is I shall find you again. It is written in the depths of the heart where destiny takes note, and yet as a puzzle, intriguing, for the end is there, but... how to reach it? That is the dilemma, and the reason for the searching. On the roads lay out before us, we travel, a step at the time, each our own way, until the time is right... for destiny has a lifetime to fulfill." –Dan Frenette

Close your eyes
Block your ears
Ignore your fright
Ignore your fears
Dark as night
Hot as tears
Words that bite
Words that sear
Prove them wrong
Make them hear
All along
You were near
Tell them now
We're both in pain
All that's left
Is what remains
Let them know
Let them see
It was I for you
And you for me


The battle lines have been drawn,
And all are choosing sides.
Some will switch sides at dawn,
And some will change at dusk.
But when the war is over,
Those who died can't change.
The place they go will welcome them
Whether for good or bad.

So, will you choose the winning side,
The side that I am on?
Or the side that goes to hide?
That will cause them to loose.
Victory will not come unless
You choose to live the cross.
If you say "yes" then come with us,
And victory will be yours! ~Gulden-Angel


Elisa de la Torre said...

you know dan?

Aegle Nymph said...

not personally, but he's with my best friend...this is Debbie, btw.

Flo-flo said...

Anaik is ur best friend, debs:(